Joyful Honda makes contributions to sustainable community development. In addition to the provision of goods and services in our stores, we are also engaged in a wide range of activities to enrich local communities.

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Joyful Honda stores were also affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 2011. However, to meet the needs of the many customers who came to our stores after the disaster, almost all of our stores in the area secured a safe space and resumed business just hours after the earthquake, using generators for electricity and taking other necessary steps. The only exception was our Newport Hitachinaka Store, which suffered major damage, but it too re-opened for business the next day. To provide customers in the area with torches, drinking water, and other essentials that were in short supply, the entire company banded together to secure supplies and provide operational support.

We participated in the “Ibaraki Disaster Prevention Campaign 2021,” a project to commemorate the 130th anniversary of the founding of the Ibaraki Shimbun newspaper, as a sponsoring company and organization.
The campaign continued until around June 2021 and included a feature article in the newspaper and the distribution of disaster prevention handbooks to children.
To be prepared for disasters, it is important to routinely ready emergency supplies, such as survival kits and stockpiles.
The Company will continue to deliver emergency supplies to its customers and enhance the contents of our products to ensure that they are ready for emergencies.

Joyful Honda sent 116 employees for a period of thirteen days to Joso City in Ibaraki Prefecture, which suffered damage in the torrential rains that hit the Kanto and Tohoku regions in September 2015. The volunteers spent a total of 800 hours working mainly to clear up the trash that had been swept through the city, remove mud, and clean homes and gardens.

In FY2018, Ota City launched the operation of a free local bus service using school buses. (Between Yabuzuka Station on the Tobu Kiryuu Line and Ojima Onsen Tonenoyu)
Following a request from Ota City, the Company provided a bus stop and waiting facility for shuttle buses on the premises of Nitta Store, Joyful Honda Home Center, located near the mid-point of the new route.
The Company cooperates not only for customers, but also local residents in general to enhance their convenience through support that the Company, as a large home center business, can uniquely provide.

Joyful Honda supports the Share Taxi Tsuchiura system operated by Tsuchiura District Taxi Cooperative. Customers aged 65 years and over who use this system to shop at Joyful Honda Arakawaoki are given a discount coupon for use on the Share Taxi Tsuchiura. The value of the discount will depend on the value of their purchases.

With the cooperation of the Tsuchiura City Social Welfare Council, Joyful Honda has started operating Joyful-Go, a free loop shuttle bus that travels around the city. The bus travels along multiple routes that together cover the entire city, with two services a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, on each route from Monday to Saturday (12 services a week) to and from Joyful Honda Arakawaoki. The bus can be used by anyone aged 60 years and over, regardless of whether or not they are resident in Tsuchiura, features an onboard karaoke set. Our aim is for the service to become a community bus whose passengers can enjoy themselves on the ride there and back.

Joyful Honda supports the Moriya On-Demand Shared Transport system operated by the Moriya City Regional Public Transport Revitalization Council. Customers aged 65 years and over, customers who hold a Disability Card, and other eligible customers who use this system to shop at Joyful Honda Moriya are given a discount coupon, which can be used for the Moriya On-Demand Shared Transport. The value of the discount will depend on the value of their purchases.
So that many customers can enjoy shopping, Joyful Honda is pursuing the expansion of activities that help the elderly and other people who have no means of transport to reach our shopping centers.

Joyful Honda supports Kamitan-Go, the on-demand transport system operated by the Kaminokawa-machi Regional Life Division’s Life Section. Customers who use this system to shop at Joyful Honda Utsunomiya are given a discount coupon for use on Kamitan-Go. The value of the discount will depend on the value of their purchases.

Joyful Honda supports the Utsunomiya Intra-City Public Transport system operated by the City of Utsunomiya Transport Policy Division. Customers coming from the Mizuhono, Yokokawa, and Suzumenomiya zones who use this system to shop at Joyful Honda Utsunomiya are given a discount coupon for use on the Utsunomiya Intra-City Public Transport system. The value of the discount will depend on the value of their purchases.

The Company started awareness-raising activities and fundraising activities for guide dogs in cooperation with Guide Dog Support Center.
The support services include sale of charity goods, installation of donation boxes, and putting up posters as an awareness campaign.
Part of the funds from the sale of charity goods and funds donated through collection boxes will be used to fund social and community services to support people with a disability, or donated to the Japan Guide Dog Association.

The Company has begun supporting the activities of pet adoption meetups for shelter dogs and cats, together with RENSA, a general incorporated association with a wealth of experience in creating opportunities for potential pet adopters to meet shelter cats and dogs, and SBI PRISM SSI Co., Ltd., a pet insurance company.
Specifically, the support includes providing a place to hold pet adoption meetups (the Company’s store facilities), notifications concerning the meeting, and operational assistance on the day.
In the hope of reducing the number of unfortunate dogs and cats that have yet to find a home for a variety of reasons, the Company will continue to cooperate with its partners on cat and dog welfare activities.
※RENSA, a general incorporated association
※Click here for the schedule of pet adoption meetups in stores.

Joyful Honda makes an annual donation to University of Tsukuba to support the university’s education and research activities, and with the further objective of promotion of sports. Based on that donation, in 2005, University of Tsukuba became the first national university to place a corporate logo on its soccer club uniforms, playing in university league matches with the Joyful Honda name on the players’ kit. While collaborating with University of Tsukuba, Joyful Honda is contributing to educational activities and sports promotion in local communities.
- Japanese-language homepage on the website of University of Tsukuba Soccer Club:
Tsukuba FC is a club aiming to create an environment where people ranging from children to adults, including women, can enjoy playing football throughout their lives. The Company contributes to promoting regional sports by supporting the leading team, Joyful Honda Tsukuba FC, which belongs to the first division of the Kanto Football League.
- Japanese-language homepage on the website of Joyful Honda Tsukuba FC:

The Company supported the “Moriya Half Marathon” held on February 2, 2025 as a special co-sponsor.

- Japanese-language homepage on the website of MORIYA HALF MARATHON:
We, Joyful Honda Co., Ltd., hereby declare that we will concentrate our efforts on the following matters in order to build new partnerships by promoting business tie-ups, and co-existence and co-prosperity, with our supply chain and value-creating business partners.

Co-existence and co-prosperity throughout the supply chain, and new business tie-ups transcending corporate scales, affiliations, etc.
We will strive to improve the value added throughout the supply chain by approaching, through our direct suppliers, suppliers that exist beyond them (from Tier N to Tier N+1), and aim to build coexistent and co-prosperous partnerships with our business partners through business tie-ups that will go beyond the existing trade relationships, corporate scales, etc. In this connection, we will also give advice and other assistance to help our business partners to introduce teleworking and formulate their BCP (Business Continuity Plan) from the viewpoint of business continuation in case of a disaster or other emergency, as well as of work style reform.
Compliance with “Promotion Standards”
We will comply with desirable trade practices between parent enterprises and subcontractors (“Promotion Standards” under the Act on the Promotion of Subcontracting Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), and will actively work to correct trade practices and commercial customs that may prevent us from building partnerships with our business partners.
We have established a multi-stakeholder policy.
A multi-stakeholder policy is a policy for building relationships with various stakeholders, such as employees and business partners, in the course of conducting business. It includes policies for raising wages, carrying out education and training, building appropriate relationships with business partners, and more.
We recognize the fact that the co-creation of value with a wide range of stakeholders, including customers, shareholders, employees, business partners, clients, and local communities, is becoming ever more important in corporate management, and so we are working to appropriately collaborate with multiple stakeholders.
Based on this, we will continue to promote initiatives keeping in mind the importance of giving back to employees and taking business partners into consideration, from the perspective that appropriately distributing the profits and results generated through the co-creation of value and productivity improvements to multiple stakeholders will lead to maintaining momentum for wage increases and sustainable economic development.
Multi-Stakeholder Policy (147KB)