2020/06 2021/06 2022/06 2023/06 2024/06
Net Sales 124,909132,499123,555123,362126,894
Operating Profit 9,18711,50612,23811,09510,568
Ordinary Profit 10,59312,77313,22412,24011,645
Net Income 10,9498,98511,0988,5289,091
Basic Earnings Per Share(yen) 158.10129.72165.00131.55145.91
Total Assets 157,766160,606156,431160,927159,689
Net Assets 106,218112,684115,821119,329120,979
Capital Adequacy Ratio(%) 67.370.


  • These data are prepared based on the financial results reports.

  • The Company was consolidated its financial results until FYE 06/20/2019, but has shifted to non-consolidated financial results beginning in FYE 06/20/2020.

  • Irregular financial results for FYE 06/20/2020 due to the reorganization within the Group in 4Q and the transfer of the gasoline and kerosene business.

  • The Company has adopted the Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition (ASBJ Statement No. 29) and other standards since the beginning of the FYE 06/20/2022.

  • The frequency of updates may change in accordance with changes to the format of the financial results reports.

  • Please see the financial results reports and other materials for detailed information regarding the settlement of accounts.

  • The contents of these data will not immediately reflect corrections to the financial results reports when announced.

  • While we pay due caution to the conversion of data for the posting, please note that there is a possibility that errors may occur in the information due to uncontrollable circumstances, such as the unauthorized alteration of contents by a third party or mechanical defects resulting from equipment malfunction.

  • Service provided by Nomura Investor Relations Co., Ltd.

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